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Philips service manual 3p61 100 free download

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Colour television Chassis 3P61 Contents Page 1. Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis Overview 1-3 4. Mechanical Instructions 4 5. Circuit Diagrams and PWB Layouts 5-10 6. IC data sheet 11-16 EN 1 1. SK4.0A CA Technical Specifications, Connections, and Chassis Overview 1. Technical Specifications, Connections,and Chassis Overview Index of this chapter Technical Specifications Connection Overview Chassis Overview Note: Data below can deviate slightly from the actual situation, due to the different set executions. 1.1.Technical Specifications Target 29" 21" Skyworth Proposed Chassis Philips 6P19S Philips 3P61S Specifications Chassis Specifications Chassis 29PT8867/93 21PT8867/93 TV Model 29PT8857/93 21PT8857/93 29PT8867/93 - 28K 21PT8867/93 - 10K 2007 Volume 29PT8857/93 - 33K 21PT8857/93 - 26K Production Center Skyworth Gongming Skyworth Gongming Skyworth Gongming Skyworth Gongming y g Deliver Confi uration Complete Build Up (CBU) CBU Complete Build Up (CBU) CBU CR Date June-07 June-07 CRT size 29" RF Slim Yes 21" RF Slim Yes Type HD Ready (1080i/720p), 100Hz Yes Analog 50Hz Yes 2 tone black (speaker black) 2 tone black (speaker black) Styling (SL7) Yes Yes 2 tone silver (speaker silver) 2 tone silver (speaker silver) TV Systems PAL multi (NTSC playback)

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